21 February 2010

.::GoOd + BaD StOrY::.

- 1st Story!!! -

Agak2 citer yg mana korang nk dgr dlu ek?
Good or bad story?
Aku rasa better story morry yg 'Good' dulu kn?
(utk amek feel).. ahaks!


Aku xnafikan hampir berabad gak aku n hubby xmasuk panggung.. (yok oo jerk)
Masing2 bz b'gaban-gabanla katakn (keje + study)..
Semalam bleh kata da sampai tahap keboringan yg melampau..
Then we decide nk luangkn masa sket ngn p tengok wayang.. (suke + gumbira gitu)
Xsemena2 gado2 manja gitu.. (msg2 ada pilihan citer sendiri)
Tolak tarik, tolak tarik lastly we choose dis story!..
**Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief**
Trus booking tiket yg midnitenye (Tah leh tahan or x la mata 2!)..


Igtkn xdak sgt org nk tgk movie nie mlm2 gini..
Rupa2nya leh kata penuh gak satu panggung.. (Igt ko sorg je ke yg bleh tgk mlm2!)
Ok! pe yg aku leh komen ttg citer nie ialah 'dis story mmg best'.. (xcaya korg tgkla sendiri)
Akunye mata yg mula2 kuyu cam ikan puyu terus luas cam ikan jaws.. (fantastic!)
So, i decide to gives **** (4 star) for dis movie.. (caya la!)
Kt sini aku juz bleh pastekn sket sinopsis drpd citer nie.. (nk lebey2 tgk sendiri la!)


**Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief**


This adaptation of Rick Riordan's remarkably popular fantasy book series tells the tale of it's the 21st century, but the gods of Mount Olympus and assorted monsters have walked out of the pages of high school student Percy Jackson's Greek mythology texts and into his life.. And they're not happy: Zeus' lightning bolt has been stolen, and Percy is the prime suspect.. Even more troubling is the sudden disappearance of Percy's mother.. As Percy adapts to his newly discovered status as a demi-god (his father is Poseidon), he finds himself caught between the battling titans of Mt. Olympus. He and his friends embark on a cross-country adventure to catch the true lightning thief, save Percy's mom, and unravel a mystery more powerful than the gods themselves...


Logan Lerman, Uma Thurman, Pierce Brosnan, Sean Bean etc...


.:(saje bg sinopsis dlm bhs omputih, nk mintk tlg kome excercise sket lidah tu! weeeee):.

- 2nd Story!!! -

Now, lets continue 2 d bad story..
Nk dijadikan citer, we have around 15 min left b4 d movie get started..
So, aku n hubby decide nk p mkn dulu..
Lambat sket msuk pn xpela.. (janji perut kenyang + hati senang)
Xjauh pn, pilih cafe yg dkt je ngn pggung wayang nun..
Juz order menu yg ringkas jerk dgn harapan (dorg senang masak + kitorg cepat makan)..
**Milo ais + mineral water + nasi goreng ayam (1 set for 2 person a.k.a 'share')**


Then, tunggu punye tunggu makanan je yg xsampai2 lg..
Nk kata org ramai, bape kerat couple je pn yg ada dlm cafe tu.. (bole di hitung ngn mulut g2)
Sumenye juz lepak2 n pinggan mangkuk dorg pn da bersih + dikutip..
Dengan penuh sabar ktorg take time utk terus menunggu.. (penantian suatu penyiksaan)


Seksa n stres tunggu mknn xsampai2 + perut xisi2 lg + movie da mule..
Yg aku pelik, pekerja kt situ wt dek je ngn kitorg a.k.a customer dorg..
Sempat g dorg bukak warung kopi kt kaunter.. (Pe nye peL la!)
Padahal ktorg da bayo tanpa perlu diminta + sesegera yg mungkin..
Lastly, ktorg decide sedekahkan je makanan yg xsmp2 tu kt dorg..
Ngn prut lapo + muka sadis ktorg pn trus blah dr cafe tu n terus masuk panggung...


.:Len kali kalu nk meniaga wtla cara nk meniaga..
Pelanggan didahulukan (xmengira kaum), perkhidmatan a.k.a service yg baik diutamakan.. Barula perniagaan berkualiti n bleh trus maju.. Ada paham?:.

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